Showing 1 to 15 of 1089 results
Change of name
You can use your online account to request that your name is changed on the HCPC Register
Christine Elliott
Chair of Council
Standards in practice: how to report concerns about safety
Taking action when you have concerns is an important part of professional practice, but sometimes it’s difficult to know how to raise concerns appropriately.
Supporting innovation in practice-based learning part II
Blog by Head of Education Brendon Edmonds exploring the use of simulation, another key area of interest in relation to practice based learning (part 2).
Perspective from Tutor of disabled student on a placement
Health and disability case study
Using social media
Case study about using all forms of communication appropriately and responsibly, including social media and networking websites
Being open when things go wrong
Case study on being open and honest if something has gone wrong in any care, treatment or other services they have provided
An update on our Advanced practice project
An update from Helen Gough, podiatrist and HCPC Council member leading the Expert Reference Group as part of our Advanced practice project.