Showing 1 to 15 of 419 results
Visitors – documentary submissions are becoming electronic only
As part of the changes to our approval process, education providers will make electronic-only documentary submissions from September 2019
Visitors will need to provide pre-visit feedback
Under our revised approval process, visitors will be required to provide feedback in a structured way, noting broad areas of concern, within two weeks of receiving the documentary submission
Update on the Indicative Sanctions Policy review
In early 2017, the HCPC commenced a review of the Indicative Sanctions Policy to ensure it is up to date, reflects public opinion, and continues to support fair and proportionate decision making. As part of this review we commissioned market research into the public’s views of the Policy and undertook a public consultation.
All hearing related activity, October – December 2018
Quarterly stats update from the HCPTS team.
Considering setting up a new apprenticeship programme? Tips for engaging with HCPC
Here are our five tips to ensure your new apprenticeship programme meets our standards and is approved efficiently.
Deadline for expense claims is approaching
As we approach the end of the financial year, please submit all your outstanding expense claims by Sunday 31 March 2019