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Call-out for working group members following consultation closure

28 Jul 2023

The HCPC consultation on the Standards of conduct, performance and ethics, and accompanying guidance on social media closed on 16 June 2023.

The feedback we received has been very valuable, and we appreciate all of those who took the time to respond. We are reviewing the feedback and identifying key issues that respondents have raised.

During the consultation period, we held consultation workshops and spoke with many HCPC registrants and stakeholders such as education providers, trade unions and professional bodies. In collaboration with the Patient’s Association, we also hosted a service user focus group. These activities have proved invaluable in helping us hear about a variety of experiences and receive feedback on our proposals. We are especially grateful to the Patient’s Association for their collaboration.

We want to continue the conversation and ensure that the final revised Standards are accessible and clear to all our stakeholders. To help with this, we are setting up two working groups:

  1. Pre-launch Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) assessment group

    The purpose of this assessment group will be to read and assess the Standards before their publication. The group will meet once in the Autumn and be made up of members who may be impacted by the revised Standards because of their protected characteristics such as race, nationality, gender, age or disability. Members will be asked to consider and provide feedback on how the revised Standards may impact people because of the protected characteristics they hold.

  2. Explanatory materials design group

    The purpose of this group will be to identify what explanatory materials will be needed to ensure the Standards are accessible. The group will meet bi-monthly between September 2023 – March 2024 to provide feedback on the structure and topics of explanatory materials. They will also support the policy team in their drafting of these materials. The group will be made up of members who do not speak English as their first language, and people who may experience discrimination on the basis of their race, young age, disability or neurodivergence.

If you meet the requirements for either of these groups and would like to get involved, please get in contact with the Policy and Standards team by email

Page updated on: 28/07/2023