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CPD advice for students

Natalie Berrie, Registration Manager at the HCPC, gives an overview of the CPD process

What is the professional liaison service?

How our bespoke workshops and general sessions can help you get the most out of the HCPC.

Education annual data set: 2017-18 academic year

Snapshot of outcomes related to the HCPC’s education function for the 2017-18 academic year

HCPC response to BEIS call for evidence on the recognition of professional qualifications and regulation of professions

The Health and Care Professions Council response the BEIS call for evidence and consultation on the recognition of professional qualifications and regulation of professions

Retention rates of first time HCPC international registrants 2013 to 2018

This report examines the retention rate for HCPC registrants who joined our Register via the international registration route.

The standards of proficiency for practitioner psychologists

The standards of proficiency that practitioner psychologists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

Approvals and monitoring annual report 2006

This report provides information about the number and types of approval visits, the outcome of these visits, the number and type of monitoring submissions, and the outcome of this monitoring.

The characteristics of effective clinical and peer supervision in the workplace: a rapid evidence review

This report presents the key findings from a literature review: to explore the characteristics of effective clinical and peer supervision in the workplace.

Gender and ethnicity pay gap reports 2022

The data for both these reports is from the snapshot date of 5 April in the preceding year (2022).

Education annual data set: 2018-19 academic year

Snapshot of outcomes related to the HCPC’s education function for the 2018-19 academic year

Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims

Case study: The NHS Counter Fraud Unit of the local NHS Trust raised concerns about a physiotherapist. On numerous occasions, the registrant submitted timesheets and claimed payments for hours they did not work.

My COVID-19 story - Rachel Williams

Rachael is the Deputy Superintendent Radiographer at St George's University Hospitals in London

Retention rates of first time HCPC registrants, 2013 to 2018

This report contains the HCPC’s first scientific assessment of the time new HCPC registrants stayed registered for
