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Rhaglenni wedi’u cymeradwyo

Rydym yn dal cofrestr o’r holl raglenni wedi’u cymeradwyo sy’n bodloni’n Safonau ar gyfer y proffesiynau rydyn ni’n eu rheoleiddio.

Adapting your practice in the community

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

What is the HCPC?

We have produced an animation to explain how we operate and how the HCPC benefits both registrants and service users

What's the same

Details on which elements of the revised standards of proficiency remains the same

CPD Audit reports

Our CPD audit reports describe the outcomes of the audits for the professions we regulate.

Leaving the Register

Advice and guidance about coming off the Register

Need help?

How to check the Register to find a professional, and what the results mean

The Investigating Committee

The Committee's role is to meet to consider all evidence put before them and decide whether there is a case to answer in respect of the allegation against the registrant

The public

As a regulator set up to protect the public, involving the public as key stakeholders is essential to our work and we are committed to this involvement in a number of our core organisational activities

Mythbusting the CPD process

Everything you need to know about being selected for CPD
