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Yn dangos 1846 i 1860 o 1880 canlyniadau

Employer insights

Hear from various stakeholders on developments that affect your employees and help you to help them meet their regulatory obligations – and yours

Raising concerns, openness and honesty

An important part of being a health and care profession is reporting concerns about safety and being open and honest


Find and sign-up to our events including conferences, exhibitions, webinars and workshops

When to renew

Each profession renews at a set time every two years. Find out when you are due to renew

Continuing professional development workshops

This event will now be held virtually. Please check back for access details. 

Our guidance on confidentiality

How to ensure you meet our standards when handling information about service users

Learning from fitness to practise process to support employees

We publish information that helps us and you to learn from our fitness to practise cases
